We support foreign nationals to draw up a Will in English and Japanese. If it is a Will by notarized document, we communicate with Notary for you, therefore, foreign nationals, who understands Japanese but have little confidence to understand difficult Japanese or technical/legal terms, can be reassured by leaving communication with Notary to us.


Will by Notarized Document

I, a notary, hereby make this document based on a commission by Mr. AAA, testator, by taking dictation of the testator as follows in the presence of hereinafter described 2 witnesses on M D, YYYY:
Main Purport
Article 1.The testator, Mr. AAA (hereinafter called "Testator") bequeaths 50% of the following Bank Deposits to Testator's wife, Ms. BBB (Born on M D, YYYY, address: x-x-x, Chuo-ku, Osaka), and the remaining 50% to Testator's child, Ms. CCC (Born on M D, YYYY, address: x-x-x, Chuo-ku, Osaka).
(1)Bank Name: XYZ Banking Corporation
Branch Name: XXX Branch
Account Type: Ordinary Deposit
Account Number: 1234456
Account Name: AAA

** General Flow of Drawing up a Will by Notarized Document **

1. First Meeting
- Checking family structure, estates, etc.
- Checking contents of a Will which you want to draw up
2. Estimation
- Preparing a Will and communicating/arranging with a Notary
- Translating the will into English
- Being witnesses
- Being an executor of the Will
3. Concluding business agreement
4. Preparation of the draft of a Will (including communication and arrangement with a Notary)
5. Final confirmation at the Notary Office and signing/sealing on the Will.

 ■ INHERITANCE/SUCCESSION (International Inheritance)
No one can avoid inheritance/succession regardless of nationality or residence.
These days, the number of international inheritance is increasing due to migration (for business, study, etc.), international marriage, possession of estate abroad, etc.
Please feel free to contact us about:
- Registration of real properties in Japan by succession
- Preparation of agreement on division of inheritance
- Renunciation of Inheritance

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